Divestment of Chilean aquaculture service operator Fenix

MPI has sold its 55% stake in Fenix, the Chilean aquaculture services company.
In 2018, MPI acquired 55% of the shares of Fenix Aquaculture Servicios SpA (Fenix) in Chile, with the aim of providing strategic and financial support for growing the Chilean market for third-party net cleaning services to the aquaculture industry.
Following three years of rapid expansion, developing Fenix into [one of] the largest net cleaning service providers in Chile, the MPI agreed to sell its entire shareholding to the local co-owner Antifouling Servicios Acuícolas SpA. Through its new owner, Fenix will get direct access to a fleet of vessels supporting its services.
“MPI is looking forward to continue its strong relationship with Fenix being one of our most important customers. However, our key priority is now to fully focus on further developing our core business as a fully independent specialist provider of subsea net cleaning equipment”, Kåre Myrvåg, MPI CEO said.